
Airfoil simulation
Airfoil simulation

This recognized research center carries out wind tunnel testing and also performs CFD calculations by applying their own code, EllipSys2D, to study and improve the efficiency of wind turbine blades. The 2D steady-state results on the NACA 63-415 airfoil are compared to data provided by the RISO National Laboratory. This mesh was then refined near the airfoil by applying FLUENT, which resulted in a typical grid of about 140 000 cells. An initial grid with approximately 85 000 cells was generated. To conduct the current computations, FLUENT, a finite-volume flow solver was applied, while the meshing process was achieved using the accompanying preprocessor, GAMBIT. This study concentrates on the aerodynamics of airfoils at low and high angles of attack. In this investigation, only geometries contained in a two-dimensional space are addressed, and the flow is considered to be incompressible. In wider spectra, it is useful to assess the ability of turbulence models to lead to an accurate prediction of lift and drag when separated flows occur. In fact, simulating the flow phenomenon around wind turbine blades is a challenging task, because that flow is three dimensional, unsteady, and turbulent. Few studies have analysed airfoils with large separated flows at Reynolds numbers characteristic of wind turbines. The problem is that ice accretion on the blades will develop in a severe performance penalty, because large separated flow regions will develop at low angles of incidence (as they do on clean airfoils at high angles of incidence), followed by a significant lift reduction and an increase in drag. The phenomenon of ice accretion and performance losses on wind turbine blades is a subject which is of particular interest to the wind turbine research community (see, e.g., ). This results in production losses that should be quantified, in order to obtain a picture of how much there is to be gained from the development of technologies designed to prevent ice accretion in cold regions. In cold climates, the formation of ice on the wind turbine blades is one of the main concerns, as ice-induced roughness on the blades reduces lift and increases drag. However, in certain regions, wind energy extraction faces specific challenges imposed by climatic conditions. Testament to this is the proliferation of wind farms that has occurred in recent years, and the planned installation of many others all around the world. At the forefront of these is wind technology, and wind power plants constitute the world's fastest growing energy source. This essentially means low-polluting, low-wastage, and low energy-degradation methods and technologies. Today, the worldwide concern for the environment can be expressed as a huge need for low entropy production during energy transformation processes. Was carried out using general quadrilateral grids generated with Undertaken by conducting simulations with the one-equation Spalart-Allmaras (SA) model, the two-equation RNG and SST models, and the Reynolds stress model (RSM). Of attack that cause highly separated flows to occur. Of various turbulence models on clean airfoils at the large angles Most suitable turbulence model to simulate flow around ice-accretedĪirfoils, this work concentrates on assessing the prediction capabilities This investigation focuses on the application of the computationalįluid dynamics tool FLUENT to the study of flows over the NACAĦ3–415 airfoil at various angles of attack.

Airfoil simulation